World Automotive Conference in Turkey

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World Automotive Conference in Turkey, 5* Elite World Istanbul Hotel, 5-6 November 2014

Turkish automotive industry exports rose to new heights in the first Quarter of 2014 (up by 12.9 percent to $4,56 billion), yet domestic sales fell by 24.46%, so what does the future hold for this country, whose automotive sector is its largest export industry and is already ranked as the 5th largest producer in the EU?

With Turkey’s strategic global positioning, integrated logistics and supply chain infrastructure, strong EU and government support network and incentive schemes, and a young, motivated workforce; can Turkey become the international production and innovation hub of the automotive industry?

Ambitious targets have been set for both the automotive production and the export sector, but what about the huge potential within Turkey’s untapped domestic market, whose sales increased 10% year-on-year in 2013? Turkey’s large population is increasingly gaining purchasing power, and with 75% not owning a vehicle there seems to be a massive window of opportunity. However, will current concerns about Turkey’s growing account deficit and new regulation coming into place significantly hinder sales within Turkey? Does the real potential lie within the automotive part and leasing sector that is expected to grow at least 10% above the automotive sector this year?

World Automotive Conference in Turkey

This year’s ‘World Automotive Conference in Turkey’ will analyse if Turkey really does have the capacity, correct regulation and incentives and the right distribution logistic network in place to become an international production and technology hub.

With environmental concerns and EU emissions targets now leading technology innovation, this conference will provide the perfect platform to hear about the next generation of vehicles, and if concerns such as fuel efficiency will really affect consumers purchasing decisions, and therefore strategic shifts within the automotive sector.

Join global manufacturers, senior industry experts, logistics and supply chain executives, leading R&D developers and many more at this year’s conference to find out about the latest challenges and opportunities within this booming industry.

Why Attend?

  • Hear international success stories and best practise strategies
  • Analyse the effects of new EU and Turkish government/BDDK legislation on domestic sales
  • Understand the impact of BRIC countries’ manufacturers expected penetration into European markets
  • Explore Turkey’s production capacity and export targets
  • Discuss current support and incentives for international investors/manufactures
  • Find out about Turkey’s supply chain and logistic distribution network
  • Learn about latest technology developments
  • Understand the impact of global environmental concerns on vehicle production



More information for speakers:


For conference details:

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